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郑重声明!公布假冒 VENTURA 电池 伪劣产品、公司及网站

来源:VENTURA 王泽龙时间:2024-08-15 17:07:52



鉴于市场出现大量假冒 Ventura 电池,严重危害市场,及使用安全。




1、Ventura 电池 中国唯一官网:www.china-shoto.com

2、Ventura 电池 中国特许授权服务公司:北京路盛电源设备有限公司、银杉电池 (山东) 有限公司

3、Ventura 电池 中国区销售总经理:王泽龙、电话:+86 186 3096 8614

4、Ventura 电池 并无其他所谓的”分销商“,”渠道商“,任何声称分销商及渠道商公司均为假冒,制假售假公司

5、请注意以下列出的网站,信息,与 Ventura 电池 无任何关系,Ventura 电池 既不支持也不销售任何产品给他们。请避免登录或浏览这些网站,因为他们销售的不是 Ventura 电池 产品。另外,我们不能排除未来还是会有新假冒的网站出现需要请大家特别注意。这些网络犯罪讯息我们已经会报给当局及执法机关。


请随时浏览相关数据或是留下您的问题,我们负责销售的同仁会尽快回复给您,您也可以透过我们公司的电话联系我们,电话:+86 186 3096 8614 (王泽龙)。

请加入我们阻止非法伪劣的产品与网站,您持续对 Ventura 电池 的支持是我们朝向制造更好产品的原动力。

To respected users:

Given the large number of counterfeit Ventura batteries in the market, which pose a serious threat to the market and ensure safe use.

Our company solemnly declares!

1. Ventura Battery China's only official website: www.china-shito.com

2. Ventura Battery China Franchise Service Companies: Beijing Lusheng Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Yinshan Battery (Shandong) Co., Ltd

3. Ventura Battery China Sales General Manager: Wang Zelong, Phone:+86 186 3096 8614

4. Ventura batteries do not have any other so-called "distributors" or "distributors". Any company claiming to be a distributor or distributor is a counterfeit company that produces and sells fake products

5. Please note that the websites and information listed below have no relation to Ventura batteries, and Ventura batteries neither support nor sell any products to them. Please avoid logging in or browsing these websites as they do not sell Ventura battery products. In addition, we cannot rule out the possibility of new counterfeit websites appearing in the future, so please pay special attention. We have already reported these cybercrime messages to the authorities and law enforcement agencies.

Please feel free to browse the relevant data or leave your questions at any time. Our sales colleagues will reply to you as soon as possible. You can also contact us through our company's phone number:+86 186 3096 8614 (Wang Zelong).

Please join us in preventing illegal and counterfeit products and websites. Your continued support for Ventura batteries is our driving force towards manufacturing better products.
